Everything about Adult Acne

When we leave our teenage years, we usually believe that we leave our acne days behind as well. No more puberty means no more fluctuating hormones and no more acne… right? Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen all the time. 

Some of us might have stubborn acne that stays well into our adult years. Some of us who had never experienced acne during our teen years might have sudden acne flare-ups in our 30s. There are so many reasons as to why we might have adult acne – and it might not always be about your hormones.


There are actually many reasons why we could develop adult acne. Some include: 

  • Hormones 

  • Emotional stress

  • Foods

  • Medications 

The list goes on and on. We’re going to touch on these major potential causes of adult acne today and share our Dream Team’s tips to help manage it. 


Potentially one of the biggest topics discussed when talking about adult acne. Fluctuations or excessive male/female hormones might change the skin’s environment, giving bacteria an easier time causing inflammation and thus, forming acne. There could also be a pH imbalance, changes in circulation or excessive production of sebum.

Emotional Stress

When we’re emotionally stressed, it can actually create a biological change in our body. When you’re stressed, anxious or frightened, your adrenal glands produce the primary stress hormone called “cortisol”, causing imbalances in your skin. 


Some foods are contributing factors to developing or inflaming acne when eaten in excess. Foods such as white flour products, sweets, dairy and fast foods can stimulate an overproduction of sebum, increasing the likelihood of causing inflammation and acne. We recommend eating these types of foods in moderation.


Certain medications can raise the likelihood of developing or exacerbating acne such as corticosteroids and antidepressants. If you are suffering from adult acne and would like to explore options to treat it, please discuss with your doctor about your options before making any changes to your medication. 

Interesting Fact:

You might have heard that some doctors prescribe contraceptives as a treatment, but did you know that some might cause and/or aggravate acne?


You might ask yourself, “So there are a lot of reasons why we have adult acne, but what can I do about it?” At The Dream Skin Clinic, there are 3 steps that we recommend.

Dermatological Skincare

As a starting point, dermatological skincare is always the first step to addressing skin indications such as acne. This creates a strong foundation, introduces helpful active ingredients, minimises exposure to harmful ingredients and assists with better responses to clinical treatments.

A good starting point is introducing a Cleanser, Toner, Moisturiser and Suncream. If you’re wanting a more complete skincare routine, our Optimal Care Pack is always a fan favourite. 

Lifestyle Changes

To tie in skincare and clinical treatments, lifestyle changes are very helpful in making sure your skin has the most optimal conditions to thrive. Several changes we recommend are:

  1. Drinking lots of water

  2. Changing your pillowcase frequently 

  3. Showering once a day

  4. Eating foods in moderation 

  5. Exercising regularly 

  6. Going makeup-free

Clinical Treatments

There is nothing quite like the power of a results-focused, tailored treatment plan. If you are wanting to get serious about your skin long-term, clinical treatments are critical.

Through our many years of experience, we’ve noticed that training skin is just like training the body. Think of dermatological skincare as the at-home healthy diet, and clinical treatments as heavy-hitting gym sessions. Both are needed for optimal results. 

Ready to take your skin to the next level with our industry leaders? Check out our consultation options BELOW or shop our skincare HERE.


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